Alchemy Anytime

Are you done putting aside your dreams? Are you ready to step up to a new level and blossom into a new you? Are you independent and prefer self-directed study so you can do your spiritual work on your own time?

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The Alchemy of Core Beliefs Anytime course is perfect for you!

This self-guided online course will allow you to finally let go of those old patterns of doubt and consciously choose new ones that allow you to bring the thing you want to reality.

Whether it’s writing a book, traveling, leaving your job, or simply spending more time at home.

This program is here to make it happen for you.

When you join the program, here’s what you’ll get:

  • a daily email with a brief reading that explores the day’s topic in depth and guides you to a new understanding
  • 30 audio guided meditations that bring you to the heart of your core beliefs, bypassing old blockages and unearthing your inner wisdom
  • focused exercises designed to help you dig deeply into your underlying belief structure and reprogram your core beliefs
  • unlimited email support from us throughout the six weeks

During the first half of the course, we’ll delve into everyday topics such as Family, Nature, Money, Relationships, and Self-Worth. Within each of these topics, you’ll discover hidden facets of yourself stemming from the beliefs you’ve accepted throughout your lifetime. You may be surprised by some of the things you’ll unearth!

The last 3 weeks of the course focus on doing the intense, rewarding work of reshaping your core belief framework.

Start Now!

Here’s what graduates of the course have to say:

“I got in touch with myself in a way I hadn’t in decades.” – Elizabeth from New York

“ I was able to look deeply at aspects of my life and reflect and write. I changed what wasn’t feeling helpful and found ways to feel in my power and creative. I loved the meditations and support!” – Rebecca from Maine

“[Alchemy of Core Beliefs] helped me dive deeper into what I have been holding onto that was not serving me, and how to let it go.” – Jannine from Maine

“Even knowing what magic (Nikki and Brent) were capable of, I was blown away by the unexpected things I found hanging out in my core beliefs, through their deep and gentle meditations and insightful questions and practices. Wow! I was impressed! I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to do some deep house-keeping.” – Nova from Oregon

“I loved starting my day with mindfulness and something to ponder throughout the day/week. I also really enjoyed the color work that was part of the meditation. Thank you for making something like this available!” – Mary from Maine

“I wanted to tell you how awesome this experience was for me. I gained a lot of insights about myself and even though not all core beliefs I discovered were pretty, I was able to meet it all with a lot of acceptance and compassion. Thank you so much for creating this wonderful tool!!!” – Robyn from Germany

Once you become more self-empowered, self-aware, and self-driven, you’ll be able to serve others better with a full cup. And you’ll develop a firm foundation for your soul’s true mission!

You have two options.

The first one is to continue doing what you’re doing.

Wake up in the morning, go to work, get your kids from school, make dinner, spend the weekends doing everything for your kids, and watch your life waste away. While your family may flourish, your dreams will slowly dwindle, and you’ll continue to be miserable.

Option two is to take the opportunity to invest in yourself and to really understand what’s happening beneath the surface. When you say you don’t have the time, or the money, or the skills, or the support, what you’re really saying is: I don’t believe I can do it. Get yourself some new core beliefs, ones that uplift and empower you.

Start Now!